Information for parents
Parent portal
2024 - 2025
Autumn Term: | Wed 4th Sep – Fri 6th Dec |
Half-term: | Mon 21st Oct – Fri 1st Nov |
Inset days: 2nd- 3rd Sep
Spring Term: | Mon 6th Jan – Fri 28th Mar |
Half-term: | Mon 17th Feb – Fri 21st Feb |
Inset days: 2nd-3rd Jan. Revision week: w/c 31st Mar
Summer Term: | Wed 23rd Apr – Fri 4th Jul |
Half-term: | Tue 27th May – Fri 30th May |
Inset day: 22nd Apr. Bank Holiday: Mon 5th & 26th May
2025 - 2026
Autumn Term: | Wed 3rd Sep – Fri 12th Dec |
Half-term: | Mon 20th Oct – Fri 31st Oct |
Inset days: 1st & 2nd Sep
Spring Term: | Tue 6th Jan – Fri 27th Mar |
Half-term: | Mon 16th Feb – Fri 20th Feb |
Inset days: 2nd & 5th Jan. Revision week: w/c 30th Mar
Summer Term: | Tue 21st Apr – Fri 10th Jul |
Half-term: | Tue 26th May – Fri 29th May |
Inset day: 20th Apr. Bank Holiday: Mon 4th & 25th May
Mayville High School recognises the importance of excellent attendance and punctuality so that pupils can maximise their achievement in school and can be well-prepared for the demands of the next stage of their education. Our expected level of attendance is 90-100%.
What to do if your child is ill
If your child is really not well enough to attend school, or is suffering from a contagious illness, please inform us on the first morning of the absence. An absence note explaining the reason for absence and signed by a parent or responsible adult is a legal requirement and should be handed to the Form Tutor on the child’s return to school.
The school requests that, wherever possible, parents and guardians avoid taking their child out of school for non-urgent medical and dental appointments.
If a child is absent parents should:
- Telephone the school as soon as possible, preferably before 09.00am, on the first day of absence, stating the reason for the absence. This can be done by calling the school on 023 9273 4847 (then following the automated message if calling outside of school hours).
- Provide evidence in the form of appointment cards, prescriptions or referral letters.
If a child is absent we will:
- Telephone / text or email parents on the first day of absence, if we have received no reason for absence.
Morning registration takes place at 8:40am. All pupils are expected to be in their tutor base or classroom for the start of registration. Due to the distances that some pupils have to travel, allowances are made for heavy traffic conditions or other transport problems.
We wish to assist parents and ensure maximum attendance at school by giving pupils appropriate medication. It is, however, essential that strict guidelines are followed to ensure the safety of children and security of staff.
Please inform us immediately if your child has an infectious illness, so we may inform other parents and monitor patterns of infection. If your child becomes unwell at school you will be informed by the Pupil Welfare Offcer and required to collect your child. Staff will ensure that the child is made as comfortable as possible until they are collected. Even though you will have contacted the school on the first day of absence, written notification of reason for absence must be sent with the child on their return to school. This is a legal requirement.
Coronavirus / COVID-19
If anyone if your family or your child displays symptoms of Covid 19 you must not send them into school and you must self isolate. For the latest guideline and advice, please visit the .gov website.
Medicine prescribed by a doctor
It is obviously preferable for parents to administer medicine to children but medicine will be administered by qualified staff under the following circumstances:
- A note is sent to the school by the parent detailing the exact dosage, the condition for which it is prescribed, as well as the timing of the dose.
- The medicine will, in fact, be administered by the Pupil Welfare Officer or an adult who has attended a first aid course. This may not be the form teacher personally. If possible, the medicine may be self-administered by the pupil under the supervision of the Pupil Welfare Officer .
- The administration of the medicine will be noted on Schoolbase.
- In the Senior School, medicine should be taken to the Pupil Welfare Officer at the start of the school day.
At the start of the school year, we will request permission for your child to be given Paracetamol and Ibuprofen and we will then update this information annually. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen will be given at the discretion of the school welfare officer or a qualified first aider and only if it is felt really necessary. It may not be possible to give paracetamol to a pupil receiving other medication from a doctor.
Allergic reactions
Pupils who suffer from severe allergic reactions must have their medicine with them at all times and this must be kept by the form tutor who must ensure that it accompanies the pupil any time they leave the school premises. In a serious situation, any member of staff may administer the medicine by Epi-pen, although a first aid trained member of staff will do so if present.
Parents must ensure that the school is aware of the action to take in an emergency situation. They will also be required to complete an indemnity form for any emergency treatment provided.
Asthma inhalers should be clearly labelled. Pupils are responsible for ensuring that their inhalers are kept in a safe place and that they take them with them to all lessons and external activities.
In the event of an accident, you will be informed if the Pupil Welfare Officer has any concerns and believes hospital or doctor investigation may be required. If a child has had treatment for any form of head injury, you will be informed, even if this is only considered minor.
Mayville High School prides itself on its exceptionally caring ethos and this is an ethos we extend to our Out-of-School care provision. Comprising of before school (Early-Care), after school (After-Care) and Holiday Club, Mayville offers full-time working parents wrap-around childcare for 50 weeks a year for children in our Early Years, Pre-Prep, Junior and Senior departments.
Our Early-Care offers parents the opportunity to drop-off children from 8am, where they will be greeted by familiar staff for a short period of free-play.
Our After-Care provision runs from the end of the children’s school day until 6pm if required. We are fully understanding of the ever-changing needs of working parents and therefore offer parents the flexibility to arrange this in advance, or on a nightly basis. During this time, the children are encouraged to join in with a number of outdoor, free-play activities, including ball-games, large construction toys, hoops, stilts and skipping ropes, before transferring inside at around 4pm to enjoy a freshly-prepared light tea. Tea consists of a healthy, balanced and ever-changing selection of sandwiches, wraps, baguettes, crumpets, seasonal fruits, vegetables and the occasional sweet-treat! Thereafter, there is the option to enjoy a selection of indoor play experiences with our range of table-top games and toys, alongside more structured, creative activities and the opportunity for our older children to complete their homework under the watchful eye of Mayville teaching staff.
Our Holiday Club runs throughout all school holidays (except for two weeks over Christmas) and is open from 8am-6pm every day during these times for children aged 2-11. With a more relaxed, ‘home-from-home’ environment, Holiday Club is designed to cater for the individual needs of the children, with a wide array of age-appropriate outings and activities. During the holiday periods we try, wherever possible, to get ‘out and about’ and search high and low for fantastic outings (near and far) that will enrich the children’s time with us. For our Early Years children, there are regular visits to local farms, indoor and outdoor play spaces and movie cinema mornings. For our older children, recent trips have included wall climbing, country parks, places of historical interest and local sporting venues amongst many others. All children are encouraged to take part in art, craft and baking activities and just love our Holiday Club-themed parties which take place during October Half-Term, Christmas and Easter. Throughout the year, we offer special, themed activity weeks and have recently presented such weeks as, ‘Halloween Week’, ‘Get Active Week’, ‘Drama Week’, ‘Get Cooking Week’, ‘Nature Week’ and ‘Get Creative Week’.
Unless stated, all club spaces are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, with priority given to those already on the waiting list.
Please ensure your application is submitted promptly via parentpay to ensure a space. Please note that your child’s place may only be secured once payment has been received. It is not possible to pre-book clubs and all clubs are subject to availability. If a club is full and you wish to join the waiting list please let the school office know.
There is a late minibus service to the Hard / Gosport Ferry at 5.20pm Monday – Friday, from outside the Livesey Building.
Use the links below to download our current list of clubs:
Lunch Menu 1 – w/c 06-01-25, 03-02-25, 10-03-25
Meatballs with a creamy tomato sauce, rice and sweetcorn.
Chocolate ice cream.
Mild chilli con carne topped jacket potatoes and green salad.
Marble cake and custard.
Roast chicken, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, cauliflower and garden peas.
Jammy shortbread.
Sausage mac & cheese with broccoli and garlic bread.
Butterscotch Angel Delight with a crunchy topping.
Beefburger and chips.
Yoghurt or fresh fruit.
Yoghurt and fresh fruit available daily as an alternative dessert.
Lunch Menu 2 – w/c 13-01-25, 10-02-25, 17-03-25
Chinese style curry, steamed rice and prawn crackers.
Mini doughnuts.
Minced beef pie, mashed potatoes and broccoli.
Chocolate cake and custard.
Roast gammon, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, cabbage and baton carrots.
Raspberry ripple mousse.
All day breakfast: sausage, bacon, omelette, hash browns and beans.
Choc chip flapjack.
Breaded fish fillets, chips and peas.
Yoghurt or fresh fruit.
Yoghurt and fresh fruit available daily as an alternative dessert.
Lunch Menu 3 – w/c 20-01-25, 24-02-25, 24-03-25
Chicken and pepper pasta bake, cheesy twist and cucumber sticks.
Jelly and cream.
Cheese & tomato pizza, potato wedges and mixed salad.
Jam sponge and custard.
Roast chicken breast, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, cauliflower and green beans.
Cheese-topped bolognaise soft tortilla boats with potato crunchies and sweetcorn.
Lemon cake.
Lincolnshire sausages, chips and beans.
Yoghurt or fresh fruit.
Yoghurt and fresh fruit available daily as an alternative dessert.
Lunch Menu 4 – w/c 27-01-25, 03-03-25
Sweet chilli chicken wraps, sauté potatoes and coleslaw.
Waffles topped with toffee sauce and cream.
Lasagne, homemade herby bread and side salad.
Cheer & apple crumble and custard.
Roast pork loin, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, sliced carrots and broccoli.
Sausage casserole, potato croquettes and green beans.
Banana & toffee cake.
Fish fingers, chips and garden peas.
Yoghurt or fresh fruit.
Yoghurt and fresh fruit available daily as an alternative dessert.
Our full uniform and equipment lists are available to view here:
Nursery Information Booklet
Pre-Prep and Junior Information Booklet
Senior Information Booklet
New uniform
First-hand school uniform and PE Kit (including unisex PE kit) can be purchased from Alleycatz (online only). Please click here to visit our online shop.
Please see important notice from AlleyCatz re booking appointments here.
Second-hand uniform
Regular second-hand uniform sales are held at Mayville High School and considerable savings can be made using this facility. Dates and times of the sales are displayed around the school buildings and can also be obtained from the office.
The uniform room is situated on the first floor of the Junior School. Space is limited but on Parents’ Evening a larger sale takes place in this and other rooms on the first floor. Parents who wish to buy uniform and who cannot attend the sales due to work may also make an appointment outside sale hours or during the holidays. This is often easier if large quantities of uniform are required for new pupils or more than one child. Contact the office to make an appointment. Payment may be made by cash or cheque payable to ‘Mayville High School’.
Donating uniform
At a recent PTA meeting, it was decided that we will only be accepting donations to the second hand uniform sale. This is due to the admin and time it takes to run and organise the sale. We will however, still honour those items that parents have asked us to sell previously.
We would like to reassure you that the money made from the uniform sale goes towards forthcoming school/PTA events and, for this reason, we would like to encourage parents to still donate. Although, we do give permission for parents to sell uniform on other platforms.
Please can we ask that items are in good condition and washed before they are donated.
Donations can be handed into the school office.
Gift Aid & uniform sale
If you are donating your item of uniform to be sold in aid of the school, or asking a price of £10 or over, please consider completing a Gift Aid Form, available from the office or at the uniform sales. This enables the school to claim a further 28p from HM Revenue for every pound raised – it doesn’t seem much, but it stacks up pretty quickly, and at no extra cost to you (you do have to be a UK taxpayer to participate, however).
Stamptastic partnership
Mayville High School is in partnership with Stamptastic, a new fast way of naming all your belongings: a personalised stamp, usable on fabric, metal, wood, and some plastics. No more sewing or ironing on labels. No more losing your pencil case or PE kit. Now you can just stamp everything! Transparent block for accurate, easy positioning. And free P&P within the UK.
Visit and enter 'PO5 2PE' when you order, to earn a contribution to the PTA.
Reports are issued each term in the Senior School. The guides listed below detail the criteria we use for assessing attainment and effort.
E-Safety is an important part of keeping pupils safe at Mayville. We have extensive security measures in place in school, monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any E-Safety incidents are managed in accordance with our Online Safety Policy. E-Safety is taught to all pupils during PSHE and Computing sessions, examining how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.
We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the E-Safety message is consistent. It is important that parents discuss with their children about how they can keep themselves and their data safe and behave appropriately online.
Social Media use can be one of the biggest concerns for parents regarding their child's use of the internet. We have sourced some very useful checklists for the most popular networks for you to download and keep.
Internet Matters has some advice to help you make the right choice:
Snapchat Checklist
Facebook Checklist
Twitter Checklist
Instagram Checklist
TikTok Checklist
It is important to be realistic – banning a child from using the Internet or other technologies is not the answer. We need to educate our children in their responsible and safe use and ensure that they know who they can speak to if they feel threatened or unsure by anything they come across.
Of Course as parents/carers we want children to take full advantage of what the internet has to offer but we can assist and make sure they are safe by using parental control software.
Reporting an account that has been compromised or a fake account can be found using the links below:
SnapChat Reporting
YouTube Reporting
Twitter Reporting
Instagram Reporting
Facebook Reporting
Minecraft Reporting
Concerned about online grooming or sexual behaviour online?
Contact CEOP
If you stumble across criminal sexual or obscene content on the internet you should report it to the Internet Watch Foundation.
You can find out more about how children use social media, the apps they use, the risks they face, how to use privacy settings and advice and tips about how to talk to your children at:
Internet Matters
NSPCC Internet Safety
Parent Zone
Ask About Games
Parents are encouraged to use the following links which give useful information to help understand children’s use of technology and what kind of activities they may be taking part in online:
Mayville High School provides WiFi access to all members of Mayville High School and approved guests. All traffic is monitored and recorded. App usage is also tracked. Usage requires that a security certificate is installed on your device - see below.
Managed Chromebooks.
We manage Chromebooks and other devices, from a cloud-based admin console, to be able to enforce policies, set up Chrome features for users, provide access to your internal VPNs and Wi-Fi networks, force install Chrome apps and extensions and more.
The license can be purchased and installed through the school. The WiFi requires a certificate to be accessed. This is pushed out onto the Chromebook through the management software. Please contact the school for further details:
To access the school WiFi on devices on school premises you will need to download the certificate from outside the school network. To access this certificate please go to: