Senior School: 11-16 years

As an independent school, Mayville has always offered a ‘whole child’ approach to education, that values every child’s unique talents and interests. Small class sizes and tutor groups enable us to know each pupil and tailor their individual development, throughout Key Stages 3 & 4.

Creativity is at the heart of this approach and we believe that all pupils benefit from active participation in creative pursuits. Many of our pupils advance to study the arts at a higher level or go into related careers; but all children benefit from a structured curriculum, centred on creative problem-solving, through timetabled lessons and a wealth of extra-curricular clubs and activities.


Excellence is achieved through a genuine curiosity and love for learning

Our specialist PE department ensure that sport and physical activity is integral to all pupils’ personal development. Dedicated local facilities in Eastney, timetabled lessons and extra-curricular clubs provide opportunities to try a wide range of activities. For a small school, our sporting teams and individuals participate in a full calendar of competitive fixtures each term.

We offer a strong Gifted & Talented Programme, along with a renowned Learning Support Unit, where our specialist teachers help pupils with a wide range of special educational needs. Every Mayville child is encouraged to identify and achieve their own unique potential. This is reflected in our most recent GCSE results, which saw 96% of pupils achieving five or more grades between 9-4, including English and Mathematics. 83% of pupils with dyslexia achieved five or more GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including English and Mathematics.

Pupils in the Senior School are set end-of-year examinations each Summer. They also take standardised, baseline (CAT) tests in Year 7 (Remove) and Year 9 (Upper 4) to allow us to assess their potential and progress.


A broad and structured curriculum

Key Stage 3

Pupils take all subjects until the end of Year 9 (U4), when GCSE option choices are made. French is the core modern foreign language, but in Year 8 (L4), most pupils have the opportunity to learn Spanish and German.

Creative subjects have a strong focus. All KS3 pupils study Art, Music, Drama, DT and Dance. There is a talented choir, a music group, an orchestra and a pop band. Every year, the school enters Dance Live, an inter-school dance competition. Pupils assist with choreography, lighting, videography and act as the backstage crew. This activity has become a major focal point of the year.

Every summer term, there is also an inter-house Creative Arts Competition, organised by Year 10 (L5) pupils. There is a strong focus on sport. Inter-house sporting competitions are held regularly and the school competes against other local schools within the ISA and local leagues. Mayville has a 20-acre playing field which has become the home for all of our grass-based sport. The site includes a MuGA (multi-use games area) which is predominantly used for netball, hockey and tennis. The School has use of a swimming pool which is adjacent to our playing fields.

IT skills are supported through specialist teaching. All buildings are connected to the school’s network and PCs are in all teaching rooms. There are also laptops, chromebooks and iPads available for pupil use. All teaching rooms have an interactive whiteboard. The Mayville Hub is widely used by pupils for storing resources or for checking what homework was set in class.

During the spring term for Year 9 (U4), a GCSE options evening is arranged so that pupils can select which subjects they will continue to study through to GCSE.

Key Stage 4

Core subjects at GCSE are English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Double Science. More able pupils may take three separate sciences in Year 11 (U5).

You wouldn't recognise our daughter now. So self-assured and confident, outgoing and determined. Thank you Mayville, for providing the environment she needed to be her best self."

Parents of Senior School pupil


GCSE Options

During the Spring Term, Options Evening is arranged for pupils in Year 9 (U4) and their parents to discuss GCSE choices. The core subjects are English Language and English Literature, Mathematics and Double Science. More able pupils may take three separate sciences in Year 11 (U5).

We offer the following subjects as GCSE options:

  • Art & Design
  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Combined Science (double award)
  • Dance
  • Design Technology: Textiles
  • Design Technology: Timbers
  • Drama
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Religious Studies
  • Spanish
  • Statistics

Useful Information

Y7 (Remove) Information Booklet
Options booklet – Y10 (L5) 2025

Our results speak for themselves

The class of 2024 achieved an 84% overall pass rate (national average is 67.6%). 100% of pupils passed English language at grade 4 or above. The pass rate in core subjects (English language & literature, maths, science) was 88%. Our high value-added scores continue to exceed expectations – 15% more pupils gained grade 5 and higher in English and maths, as measured against their expected outcomes.

As an inclusive school, we strive to ensure that no child is left behind and that all pupils achieve their own personal best. In 2024, the GCSE pass rate for pupils with special educational needs was 81%, with a pass rate in core subjects of 86%.

On our Level 2 vocational dance course, 100% of pupils passed with Distinction.

2024 GCSE stats


Level 2 Vocational Qualifications

Vocational qualifications are designed to supplement GCSEs and offer practical, structured learning with the flexibility to specialise in dance and/or acting and related performing arts industries. We offer these in the following subjects:

  • BTEC Level 2 Award in Performing Arts
  • BTEC Level 2 Award in Music Practice
  • Level 2 Certificate in Sports Studies
  • Level 2 Technical Award in Business and Enterprise
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Read our Senior School information booklet

MHS Prospectus 2022

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