Senior PSHE – Autumn Term
Author: Sam Hardcastle.
13th December 2023.
Throughout the Autumn Term, we have covered a wide range of material. Year 7 (Remove) looked at transitioning to senior school and their personal characteristics and values. Year 8 (L4) spent time exploring drugs and alcohol and digital literacy and Year 9 (U4) focussed on resolving conflict in relationships and the impact of alcohol and drug abuse. Year 10 (L5) returned to the topic of substance abuse and how they can safely navigate peer influence on decision making, as well as discussing how to make their communities safer by being aware of extremism and radicalisation. In the term prior to mock examinations and applying to college, Year 11 (U5), concentrated on understanding their learning styles, investigating different study methods, writing emails and cover letters and their physical and emotional wellbeing.
In addition to the weekly programme, we have been really fortunate to hold a range of workshops. We welcomed Drug Education UK to speak to all pupils in year 9 (U4) and year 11 (U5). Pupils were updated on changes in the law regarding nitrous oxide, as well as making them aware of new and emerging illegal substances.

Year 11 (U5) attended a session on mind maps from Revision Mentor and a further seminar from Elevate Education called Ace Your Exams; both workshops were designed to help the pupils maximise their revision.
Lastly, HSDC visited pupils in year 10 (L5) and talked about college application forms.
There are more workshops planned for the Spring and Summer Terms, on digital literacy and financial wellbeing.

Looking ahead…
Year 7 (Remove) and year 8 (L4) will be attending the Get Inspired careers fair at Portsmouth Guildhall in the New Year.
Finally, as we look ahead to the new term, we would like to share with you all the new topics that the pupils will be studying.

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