Senior PSHE – Autumn Term
Author: Sam Hardcastle.
13th December 2024.
What has been evident through looking at the pupils’ work and the lessons I have been able to drop in on, is how engaged the pupils are with the topics and how they are able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding through debate, mindmaps, quizzes, presentations and written responses and more importantly, through their curiosity. Being curious about the world is key to success and I am immensely proud of the culture the department has fostered over the last year or so, that has encouraged your children to seek answers to the many questions they have about the society they belong to.
Careers education remains fundamental to the curriculum and it has been at the forefront of the curriculum for year 11 (U5). In addition to completing their Profile Assessments, updating their attitude questions and exploring potential career paths via their Morrisby accounts, they have also enjoyed an assembly with HSDC who gave them an insight into the study routes available to them after Mayville. Most pupils have now successfully visited potential establishments, applied for places and many have had interviews with the colleges.
Year 10 (L5) began the year exploring mental health and how to recognise signs and symptoms in themselves and others, as well as considering what support would be useful for people who are struggling. They also started thinking about their study routes after Mayville and have spent time on their Morrisby accounts completing questionnaires, Profile Assessments and updating their subject choices. Pupils have also benefited from personal careers guidance interviews, with the overwhelming response being very positive, and enjoyed a visit to the Careers and Apprenticeship Show at Mountbatten Centre. Using all of this information, L5 have then spent the last few weeks searching and applying for work experience placements which is due to take place in June next year.
In the lower years, Remove have focussed on transitioning to senior school, maintaining and making friendships and how to ensure their personal safety. As the pupils grow, the risks and challenges they are likely to face grow with them. Through PSHEE lessons, we aim to equip them with the knowledge and skills to overcome potential difficulties, realise that they are not alone and there are many people who can help them. They have shown superb maturity and insight whilst discussing some very emotive issues.
L4 started the year with lessons about understanding banking, credit and debit, as part of financial literacy education. Along with this, they have spent the weeks since half term studying cohesive communities and the barriers that may prevent people from flourishing due to stereotypes and bias. Our aim at Mayville is to ensure that every child feels seen and heard and it has been really interesting to listen to the pupils’ perspectives about how we can achieve this. L4 also spent a day off timetable, exploring Black History Month and the work of prominent Black social activists in the UK.
U4 have been working with Mrs Hall and Mr Brockhurst about how to manage conflict, both in school and at home, their animal characters and the rights that children have during family breakups. They have also begun to investigate the features of healthy intimate relationships and how to keep themselves safe and well. Whilst Relationship and Sex Education can be tricky to navigate with feelings of discomfort and embarrassment, preparing the pupils for adult life and what they want and deserve, is quintessentially important to the work we do and the pupils have handled the topic with maturity and sensitivity.
To support the pupils’ learning, the PSHEE Google Classrooms are updated weekly with the resources used in lessons. Here the children can revisit subjects if they need further clarification and there are also links to places that can offer advice and support should they need it.
Black History Month

In the UK, Black History Month takes place throughout the month of October and was an opportunity for Mayville to celebrate and centre Black history, as part of our continual work with supporting and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the whole school.
The theme of Black History Month 2024 was ‘Reclaiming Narratives’ and Year 8 (L4) were given the opportunity to spend a day off timetable exploring Black history and the Black Britons that have shaped it. In the first few lessons, pupils explored the themes of identity, representation and activism and also spent time reflecting on their own experiences and understanding but those of their peers and the wider community. After lunch, pupils learnt about individuals and groups who have stood up to injustice before creating presentations in groups about people they had chosen to research in more detail. These were then shared in their PSHEE lessons later that week.
The day was a success with both pupils and staff alike and a welcome return to PSHEE drop-down days. Next term, Year 7 (Remove) will focus on being an upstander and later in the summer term, Year 9 (U4) will explore the history of Pride and how they can support the LGBTQ community.
Looking ahead…

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