Scholarships and bursaries
We offer scholarships that are designed to reward excellence and to celebrate exceptional talent. We also offer means-tested, assisted places for UK resident families who require additional financial support.
What scholarships are available?
We offer a number of different types of scholarships to help with fees to ensure your child doesn't miss out.
- Each year there are two Livesey Scholarships awarded for academic achievement at the end of KS1. These are for a maximum of 50% of fees for the period of the Junior School (Y3-6).
- There are a number of academic scholarships available from Y7 (Remove) for the remainder of the Senior School years. These are awarded according to performance during the entry assessment for Y7 (Remove).
We also offer scholarships for entry at Y7 (Remove and for the duration of the Senior school) for excellence in:
- Creative Arts (either Art, Drama, Music, Dance (or a combination of)
- Sport

Why we value scholarships
Celebrating exceptional talent
Scholarships are designed to reward excellence and to celebrate exceptional talent. In recognition of this achievement, the scholar is offered up to a 50% reduction in the fees throughout their time at Mayville. Parents are asked to indicate when applying to Mayville, whether they wish to apply for a scholarship. Details of the arrangements will be sent to all who express an interest.
We encourage parents of scholars who anticipate that they will experience difficulty in meeting the balance of the tuition fees to apply at the same time for one of the school’s means-tested assisted places described below, when they register their child.
Academic Scholarships for entry into the Senior School
Candidates who attend the Remove (Y7) entrance procedure are automatically considered for scholarships. Academic scholarships are selected from the most outstanding performers in the entrance examinations. Scholarships are held for the duration of a pupil’s time in the school, provided their academic progress and conduct is satisfactory.

Creative Arts Scholarships for entry into the Senior School
Candidates must obtain a specialist reference from their current teacher or coach. They will be required to perform short pieces if they wish to be considered for Music, Drama or Dance awards and this will be seen during their day in school. Artists should provide a portfolio of evidence of their work. This should be brought to school on the Saturday assessment in January and will be returned on the whole day visit that forms part of the assessment process. They will be expected to demonstrate enthusiasm for and commitment to Music, Drama Dance and / or Art and will be expected to make a contribution to the creative life of the school throughout their time at the school. They will also be expected to take a GCSE in the subject in which they receive an award. Creative Arts scholarships will only be awarded to pupils who have passed the school’s entrance assessment.
Assisted places
Assisted Places are only offered to families resident in the UK. Mayville typically offers two means-tested awards annually to candidates at Y7 entry, where the parents have indicated on the registration form that they require financial support. Assisted Places are means-tested. Both parents are required to provide proof of their income and assets. The level of support varies according to parental need but is never more than 80% of full fees.
Assisted Places are always offered on an annual basis. The family is required to provide fresh information about its circumstances each year that their child is on roll. The level of support may vary according to fluctuations in income.