Community action
Mayville life is characterised by its caring community spirit; every child is nurtured and supported in their endeavours. During their time at School, our pupils also learn to meet the challenges of the wider world and develop a sense of global citizenship, empowering them to be the responsible leaders of the future.

A wide variety of volunteering opportunities and an emphasis on pupil-led fundraising help to ensure that contributing to society in holistic and generous ways forms a key part of our pupils’ educational experience.
Whether it is simple cake sales or sponsored walks, our pupils are committed to supporting a range of charities through their fundraising efforts.
Each House nominates a particular charity to support each year, so pupils really take ownership of both the activities and the beneficiaries of their fundraising. There are also opportunities for families to get involved, particularly with our annual whole-School fundraising fairs.

Pupils are successful in their charity fund-raising and initiate imaginative activities such as paper aeroplane sales, manufacturing ‘slime’ or producing a reverse advent calendar.[>
Pupils volunteer selflessly in the local community and recent examples include the refurbishment of the local model village, serving soup and sausage rolls to the homeless and helping to stock a food bank."
ISI Inspection report, January 2020

Joe Wicks' 'Big Workout' for BBC Children in Need

Global eco-action campaign

Mayville's Eco Car at the National Finals