Safeguarding at Mayville
Mayville is committed to the ongoing improvement and strengthening of its processes, education, governance, systems and culture regarding safeguarding and pupil support.
We have forged close working relationships with our local authority partners in order to share best practice and to work in partnership.
In addition to specialist support in-house (we have an in-house school counsellor, a dedicated welfare support office and a newly expanded dedicated safeguarding team), we ensure that pupils and families can benefit from the full range of support offered by our local authority partners.
An annual safeguarding audit, which is shared with the Local Authority, underlines our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of keeping our pupils and our community safe. The school Trustees meet twice a term, and our dedicated Safeguarding Trustees meet monthly with the DSL, providing further opportunities for rigorous scrutiny of the school’s practice and its action plans.
The link between safeguarding, pastoral care and PSHEE at Mayville

The Safeguarding Team
Mrs N Ramsey | Assistant Head Pastoral |
Mrs S George | Deputy Headteacher Junior School |
Mrs E Morriss | Director of Studies |
Mrs A Miles | Manager of DLU |
Mrs D Hall | Head of Middle School |
Miss N Perry | Head of Pre-Prep |
Mrs S Williams | Head of Early Years |
Mr R Meli | Pupil Welfare & Inclusion Officer |
Ms V Skonieczna |
Dr S Hookway |

Staff Responsibilities
All staff at Mayville have a key role to play in identifying concerns early and in providing help for children.
To achieve this they:
- Undertake annual safeguarding refresher training at the start of the academic year, which is updated regularly to accommodate changes to local authority and national practices as well as in-year updates, as and when required.
- Confirm they have read and understood Part One and Annex B of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) which is updated annually.
- Complete regular training in safeguarding and child protection, covering online safety, harmful sexual behaviours and Prevent awareness training (this is not an exhaustive list and staff will be required to undertake additional training in other relevant areas as they arise).
- Undertake regular informal updates to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively, provided through safeguarding bulletins which are emailed to all colleagues and displayed in staffrooms.
- Safeguarding policies.
- All Mayville staff are required to read and understand the Safeguarding Policy, the Staff Code of Conduct and Pupil Behaviour Policy. Policies can be viewed here.