Safeguarding – Resources for Pupils
Who's Who

Mrs Ramsey
(Seniors & Juniors)

Mrs George
(Seniors & Juniors)

Mrs Miles
(Wyvern House)

Mr Meli
(Seniors, Juniors & Wraparound Care)

Mrs Morriss

Mrs Hall

Miss Perry

Mrs Williams
Self-help Resources
- Young Minds is a mental health charity that provides information and advice to young people and their parents/carers, giving you the tools to look after your mental health.
- Kooth is a safe and confidential space to share experiences and gain support from the Kooth community and qualified professionals.
- The Mix is the UK's leading support service for young people under 25, helping you with any challenges you're facing.
- Calm Harm is an award-winning app helping young people resist or manage the urge to self-harm.
- Frank provides facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol.
- Report Remove is a tool provided by Childline and IWF that allows young people to report an image or video shared online, to see if it's possible to get it taken down.
- Mind is a mental health charity that provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
- Think U Know helps protect children and young people from the threat of online child sexual abuse and exploitation.