Mrs Matthias-Rosser with a reminder of the impact you can make if you just stop, pause the to-do list and really listen to the person you are with.
Supporting Learning Differences Remotely
Remote doesn’t have to be ‘remote’. Our SENCO, Miss Hewitt, reflects on how Mayville has maintained connections and adapted the delivery of learning.
Shining the Light on LGBT+
During LGBT+ History Month, PSHE Co-ordinator & English teacher, Mrs Hardcastle, highlights the importance of celebrating diversity in literature.
Tackling the Reluctant Reader
When your child doesn’t love reading as much as you: how to tackle the reluctant reader. Mrs Matthias-Rosser offers some lockdown tips.
Digital Literacy – A Lockdown Silver Lining
What are pupils learning during lockdown? Mrs Mills discusses how the mastery of soft skills is helping to prepare pupils for the future and life beyond school.
Language Matters
‘The words we use matter, the way we talk to people, communicate with them, write to them matters.’ – Ms Reid discusses how language, in fact, matters.
Rising Up Through Poetry
In response to Amanda Gorman’s poem at the presidential inauguration, Mrs Hardcastle reflects on the often misunderstood power of poetry.
Strategies For Successful Home Learning
The current lockdown may present new challenges. Our Headteacher and Senior Management Team suggest some strategies for successful home learning.
Art, Mindfulness & Lockdown 3.0
Inspired by a letter from a Year 2 pupil, Mr Schmit writes on the importance of mindfulness and creativity – making time for the things you love.