Governance, reporting & policies

We remain true to the principles of our founder – to educate the 'whole child': the head, the hand and the heart – whilst constantly evolving to meet the educational needs of a modern world. Our trustees and governance structure are essential to this process.

Mission statement

Mayville believes that pupils learn best when they have self-esteem, self-confidence and self-knowledge and we are dedicated to producing pupils who will leave us as talented, confident and empathetic members of our community.

Mayville believes that it is the happy child who will learn and the one with self-respect who will approach academic studies positively.

We are the school for the individual because we value each pupil for who they are and for what they can contribute to the school community.

We admit pupils from a very wide ability band and offer tailored educational programmes for able, gifted and talented pupils, as well as for those who need a considerable amount of learning support.

We understand that children have different learning styles and seek to provide them with access to information through a wide variety of strategies.

We care about our pupils and seek to provide a strong, secure base, where they will gain the skills to meet the challenges of the wider world.

We intend that Mayville pupils, when they leave us, will have reached their academic potential, will be self-confident and will have strong social skills. They will have enjoyed a broad-based education that includes a wide variety of creative and sporting activities by participation in our academies – Mayville Academy of Performing Arts and Mayville Sporting Academy.

Mayville pupils will be tolerant, responsible and supportive members of the society into which they will emerge as young adults.

Trustee Board, April 2019

Mayville believes that pupils learn best when they have self-esteem, self-confidence and self-knowledge and we are dedicated to producing pupils who will leave us as talented, confident and empathetic members of our community.

Mayville believes that it is the happy child who will learn and the one with self-respect who will approach academic studies positively.

We are the school for the individual because we value each pupil for who they are and for what they can contribute to the school community.

We admit pupils from a very wide ability band and offer tailored educational programmes for able, gifted and talented pupils, as well as for those who need a considerable amount of learning support.

We understand that children have different learning styles and seek to provide them with access to information through a wide variety of strategies.

We care about our pupils and seek to provide a strong, secure base, where they will gain the skills to meet the challenges of the wider world.

We intend that Mayville pupils, when they leave us, will have reached their academic potential, will be self-confident and will have strong social skills. They will have enjoyed a broad-based education that includes a wide variety of creative and sporting activities by participation in our academies – Mayville Academy of Performing Arts and Mayville Sporting Academy.

Mayville pupils will be tolerant, responsible and supportive members of the society into which they will emerge as young adults.

Trustee Board, April 2019

Board of Trustees, 2023

Chair of Trustees:
Ms V Skonieczna

Mr J Davenport (Vice Chair)
Mr P Fairley
Dr S Hookway
Mr A Pillai
Mr A Porter
Mrs T Riordan
The Rev'd Canon Dr A Rustell


Education: T Riordan, A Porter, A Rustell
Buildings: V Skonieczna
Health & Safety: J Davenport
HR: V Skonieczna
Finance & Legal: J Davenport, V Skonieczna, A Pillai, P Fairley
Safeguarding Trustee: A Rustell, S Hookway
EYFS & SEND Trustee: T Riordan

Strong governance at Mayville High School

Chair of Trustees:
Ms V Skonieczna

Mr J Davenport (Vice Chair)
Mr P Fairley
Dr S Hookway
Mr A Pillai
Mr A Porter
Mrs T Riordan
The Rev'd Canon Dr A Rustell


Education: T Riordan, A Porter, A Rustell
Buildings: V Skonieczna
Health & Safety: J Davenport
HR: V Skonieczna
Finance & Legal: J Davenport, V Skonieczna, A Pillai, P Fairley
Safeguarding Trustee: A Rustell, S Hookway
EYFS & SEND Trustee: T Riordan

Strong governance at Mayville High School

School Inspection

Mayville High School is inspected by ISI (The Independent Schools Inspectorate).

The ISI is a body approved for the purpose of inspection under Section 162A of the Education Act 2002. As such, they report to the Department for Education (DfE) on the extent to which schools meet statutory requirements. ISI is the agency responsible for the inspection of schools in membership of the Associations of the Independent Schools Council (ISC).

ISI Inspections of Independent Schools are required to:

Report to the DfE the extent to which ISC schools comply with the Education (Independent School Standards) (England) Regulations 2010 and later amendments (referred to as the ‘regulatory requirements')

Where applicable, report to DfE on compliance with the requirements of the National Minimum Standards (NMS) for boarding schools

Where applicable, report to Ofsted on compliance with the requirements of the Childcare Act 2006 including the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Assure ISC Associations that their member schools maintain the quality of provision expected

Help schools to improve, and inform parents of the quality of member schools

ISI inspection is for the benefit of the pupils in the schools and seeks to improve the quality and effectiveness of their education and of the care for their welfare. Inspection also provides objective and reliable reports on the quality of schools and, by placing reports in the public domain, makes the information available to parents, associations, government and the wider community. In this way, it helps schools, their staff and governors/proprietors to recognise and build on their strengths and to identify and remedy any weaknesses.

The last inspection was in February 2024.

ISI Full Report, January 2020
ISI RCI Report, January 2017
ISI Full Report, February 2024
ISI Full Report, January 2020
ISI RCI Report, January 2017

Mayville High School is registered as an LSC (Learning Support Centre School) with CReSTeD (Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils).

CReSTeD's aim is to help parents and also those who advise them choose an educational establishment for children with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD). They maintain a register of schools and teaching centres which meet their criteria for the teaching of pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties. All schools and centres included in the Register are visited regularly to ensure they continue to meet the criteria set by CReSTeD.

Registration is valid for a period of three years. The last inspection was in February 2024.

Please click the link below to read the inspection report.

CReSTeD Report, February 2024

Annual Review 2022/23

Previous Annual Reviews

Please click on the links below to download a PDF.

Annual Review 2021/22

Annual Review 2020/21


Annual Review 2019/20


Annual Review 2018/19


Annual Review 2017/18


Annual Review 2016/17


Annual Review 2015/16

Safeguarding at Mayville

All children have the right to learn in a safe and supportive environment and, as such, safeguarding is at the heart of our pastoral provision. In addition to our specialist in-house support (we have an in-house school counsellor, a dedicated welfare support office and a newly expanded dedicated safeguarding team), we ensure that pupils and families can benefit from the full range of support offered by our local authority partners.

Statutory information and policies

Mayville High School's Chair of Trustees is Ms Vanda Skonieczna. She may be contacted in writing c/o the school office.

Click any of the links below to open the related document containing details of Mayville High School's policies. Where appropriate, these policies also apply to children in the EYFS and Out of School Care. These policy documents can be downloaded as PDFs.






Behaviour and Sanctions Policy

CCTV Policy
Complaints Policy

Curriculum Policy

English as an Additional Language

Equal Opportunities



Exclusion Policy

Fire Safety Policy


First Aid Policy


Health & Safety


Holidays in Term Time

Mental Health Policy
Pupil Voice Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Disclosure Policy and Procedure
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Rewards and Sanctions Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

EYFS policies

Assessment Policy

Behaviour & Premises Policy


Child - Staff Ratios Policy


Health & First Aid Policy

Health and Food & Drink Policy

Information and Records Policy

Learning & Developments Requirements

Missing Child Policy


Risk Assessments, Trips and SEND Policy


Staff Qualifications, Training, Support and Skills Policy


Staff Qualifications, Induction and Support


Staff Taking Medication Policy


Supervision Policy


Uncollected Child Policy


Use of Cameras & Mobile Phones Policy

Complete policy list

A copy of these policies can be requested from the Headteacher, Mrs R Parkyn, in writing:


Download complete policy list

Complete policy list

A copy of these policies can be requested from the Headteacher, Mrs R Parkyn, in writing:

A, G&T (Able, Gifted and Talented Policy)
Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
Anti-Bullying Policy
Behaviour Management - Staff code of conduct
Bereavement and Loss
Child Protection
Conflict of Interest
Creative Arts Policy
Critical Incident Management
Data Protection
EAL (English as an additional language) Policy
Emergency Closure
EYFS Administration of medicine
EYFS Behaviour Policy
EYFS Inclusion
EYFS Lost Child
EYFS Out of School Care

EYFS Risk Assessment
EYFS Uncollected Child
E-safety Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Fire Safety
First Aid
Health and Safety
Health and Policy on the Administration of Medicine
Holidays in Term Time
Humanities Policy
Literacy in the Senior School
Lockdown Policy
Mental Health Policy
MFL Policy
Missing Child Policy
Mission Statement
Numeracy in the Senior School
Out of School Care Policy
Pastoral Structure Policy
Photograph Policy
Prevent Policy
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education) Policy

Pupil Council
Pupil Performance
Records Management Policy
Recruitment Policy
Rewards and Sanctions Policy
Risk Assessment for Trips and Visits
Risk Assessment Policy
Science Department
Science Health and Safety
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
SEND Handbook and Policy Document
Senior School Assessment Policy
Senior School Homework Policy
Senior School Marking Policy
SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy)
Sporting Activities
Staff Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure
Staff Induction Policy
Sun Smart Policy
Transgender Policy and Protocols
Uncollected Child Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Whole School Homework Policy